The Hardest Word: A Yom Kippur Story

Illustrated by Katherine Janus Kahn
KarBen/Lerner, Ages 4 to 8

Notable Book for Young Readers, Association of Jewish Libraries, 2001
National Jewish Book Award Finalist, 2002

"A long, long time ago the world had many large and fabulous creatures. One of those creatures was a gigantic yellow bird with dark red wings and a purple forehead. He was called the Ziz."

The Ziz, a clumsy but good-hearted bird of folklore, is always making mistakes. When he accidentally destroys a vegetable garden, he flies to Mount Sinai to ask God for advice.

The Hardest Word is Now Available on Itunes

Pumpkin Theatre Presents Quest of the Ziz Bird, Based on The Hardest Word

Jacqueline Jules talks about Quest of the Ziz Bird

Broadway World Baltimore Reviews Quest of the Ziz Bird

The Hardest Word featured on TJC's Modern Jewish Mom High Holidays Special

Recommended by Ariela's Judaism Blog at Guide to Judaism!

Minnesota Mamaleh: The Hardest Word

Jacqueline Jules is available for Jewish Family Programming

Jewish Children's Books -- The Hardest Word

"Any kid who has ever broken a dish or sent a baseball through a window will identify."-- Children's Literature

"The only thing the book lacks is an order form for a stuffed Ziz of your own." --
Jerusalem Report

"Written and illustrated with an eye and ear for fun and laughter, The Hardest Word, will captivate the young set." -- Ottawa Jewish Bulletin

"From cover to cover, children will soar high with the plumed, long-legged Ziz." --Jewish Journal

"This delightful tale, featuring a loveable, klutzy bird teaching the essential lessons of the High Holidays, is just perfect!" -- San Diego Jewish Times

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