(traditional folk song)
Rise and shine and
Give God your glory, glory (3 times)
Children of the Lord
The Lord said to Noah
There's gonna be a floody, floody (2 times)
Get those children out of the muddy, muddy
Children of the Lord (Chorus)
So Noah, he built him
He built him an arky, arky (2 times)
Made it out of hickory barky, barky
Children of the Lord (Chorus)
The animals they came on
They came on by twosie, twosies (2 times)
Elephants and kangaroosies-roosies
Children of the Lord (Chorus)
It rained and it poured for forty daysies daysies (2 times)
Drove those animals nearly crazy, crazy
Children of the Lord (Chorus)
The sun came out and
Dried up the landy, landy (2 times)
Everything was fine and dandy, dandy
Children of the Lord (Chorus)
The animals they came off
They came off by twosie, twosies (2 times)
Started life a newsy, newsy, newsy
Children of the Lord (Chorus)
(traditional folksong)
I had a cat, my cat pleased me
I fed my cat by the greenberry tree
My cat said fiddle-i-fee
I had a dog, my dog pleased me.
I fed my dog by the greenberry tree
My dog went ruff, ruff,
My cat went fiddle-i-fee.
I had a rooster, my rooster pleased me
I fed my rooster by the greenberry tree
My rooster went cockle doo, cockle doo
My dog went ruff, ruff
My cat went fiddle-i-fee
I had a cow, my cow pleased me
I fed my cow by the greenberry tree
My cow went moo moo
My rooster went cockle doo, cockle doo
My dog went ruff, ruff
My cat went fiddle-i-fee
I had a sheep a sheep, my sheep pleased me
I fed my sheep by the greenberry tree
My sheep went baa, baa
My cow went moo moo
My rooster went cockle doo, cockle doo
My dog went ruff, ruff
My cat went fiddle-i-fee
I had a duck, my duck please me
I fed my duck by the greenberry tree
My duck went quack, quack
My sheep went baa, baa
My cow went moo moo
My rooster went cockle doo, cockle doo
My dog went ruff, ruff
My cat went fiddle-i-fee
I had a donkey, my donkey pleased me ......
(Traditional with special lyrics)
The animals go marching two by two! Hurrah! Hurrah!
The animals go marching two by two! Hurrah! Hurrah!
The animals marching two by two!
Old Noah stops to tie his shoe
And they all go marching down into the ark
To get out of the rain. Boom! Boom! Boom!
(adapted from Cheryl Lane's Jonah Rap)
Play the song: 
2, 3, 4
Well, the Lord told Noah to build an ark
He didn't moan and he didn't bark.
Noah said yes, I'll do my best
We'll always be glad
That Noah said yes.
2, 3,4
Noah got his hammer, just as he was told
Made an ark so big, so bright, and bold
Two of every animal from earth and sky
Could live on the ark, safe and dry. (Chorus)
2, 3, 4
Well, Noah took the animals, two by two
So many animals the ark was a zoo.
Then the rain came down and down and down
But Noah and the animals did not drown. (Chorus)
2, 3, 4
For forty nights and forty days
Noah and the animals sailed a long ways
Then the rain stopped and they sent out a dove
To look for a sign from Heaven above.(Chorus)
2, 3, 4
When the dove came back all the animals cheered
Cause the sky had a sign we all hold dear
A rainbow in the sky telling women and men
God would never flood the earth ever again.(Chorus)
(Traditional folksong)
Who built the ark? Noah Noah
Who built the ark? Noah did.
Here come the elephants two by two
Here come the elephants two by two
Here come the elephants two by two
If I were there I'd go along too. (Chorus)
Here come the horses two by two.
Here come the horses two by two.
Here come the horses two by two.
If I were there I'd go along too. (Chorus)
Here come the kangaroos two by two.
Here come the kangaroos two by two.
Here come the kangaroos two by two.
If I were there, I'd go along too. (Chorus)
Here come the lions two by two
Here come the lions two by two
Here come the lions two by two
If I were there I'd go along, too. (Chorus)
Here come the zebras ....